Ever consider training with Ted Talks? Sales staff can learn from these short 20-minute clips.
We know you like TED talks. Sales teams all over the country watch them as a tool to motivate both new and old sales people. The best part of watching TED talks is they are short, most running about 20 minutes long. One of which can easily be watched during a sales meeting or can be shared quickly in a weekly email to staff.
Another reason TED talks are great to share with your sales staff is that most presenters are interesting, easy to like, and don’t come across as a boring sales training. Instead of setting your staff up in front of a small television with a DVD of sales training filmed in the early 1990’s, share one of these three motivational TED talks.
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#1: Amy Cuddy
Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
Nonverbal communication is just as important – sometimes even more so – than verbal communication in sales. Your stance and expression relay a message to the person you’re communicating with. If you appear too domineering or threatening, your customer may feel put off. Similarly, if you seem too meek or withdrawn, your clients might not consider you an expert, and be less willing to buy from you.
Remember, nonverbal communication isn’t just about body stance, it also includes emails and other forms of communication. How you write and what you choose to say also allows your customers to make a judgment on you. Use proper grammar and be sure to portray a professional, upbeat attitude at all times.
The best part of this video from Amy Cuddy is that it doesn’t “teach” your sales staff how to stand and what facial expressions should be used. This video simply shows how to own your own personal power. Even if you don’t feel comfortable selling a certain product or to a certain person, just fake it. Yes, her message is fake it until you make it. Try a power stance until it becomes naturally for you. Your customers will be able to feel your confidence, and in turn, they’ll have confidence in you as well.
#2: William Ury
The Walk from “No” to “Yes”
There’s quite a few lessons one could take from William Ury’s Ted Talk. Salespeople are always looking for a way to turn their customers’ no’s into yes’s. While this video certainly doesn’t give you tips and tricks into closing a deal, it does make understand how to connect with other humans, regardless of the controversy, even if it is as small as negotiating a sales figure. Here are the two biggest takeaways from the video:
- How you react to a customer is just as important as what you choose to share in your sales pitch. Be professional and courteous instead of reactionary. It doesn’t matter what your customer says or does; it matters how you choose to respond. Even if your feelings get hurt or you find yourself getting angry, keep your cool.
- Stories matter. What’s the story in your sale? If you find a way to relate the product or services to your customer by means of a story, you’re more likely to make the sale.
#3: David Pogue
Simplicity Sells
Yes, customers want options, but they also want simplicity. Too many choices and features can confuse a customer or stall a sale from getting closed. The best way to approach the sale of a product with many features is to listen carefully to your customer. What specifically are they interested in? What type of benefit are they looking for? Once you’re able to understand their pain points, you’ll be clear on how to address the features worth mentioning. Don’t over complicate your sale by addressing too many features. Address what will best benefit your customer and they’ll be more likely to make a clear-headed decision.
There’s no need for the type of “software rage” David Pogue mentions in his TED talk when using CRM software. If you’re feeling let down by your current system, it’s time you try out Blitz. Try our free 30-day trial or request a sales demonstration right away. If you like us, we’ll even give you a 10% discount when you sign up for a year’s contract.
Do you love these TED Talks? Sales motivation at its finest! If you have any other’s you’d like to share with our readers, leave the link in the comments section below.