
Hiring the best employees is important to ensuring the future success of your business.

Finding and hiring the best employees to fill vacancies at your company is important.  As a matter of fact, if you are a manager it’s one of the most important decisions you will make. Making a poor choice can result in a downturn in department morale and can be potentially destructive for your business. But making the right decisions and hiring the best employees can invigorate your team and help to motivate existing employees to be more productive.  Here are 5 tips to help get your started.

Understand the position you need to fill
Occasionally, younger or smaller companies do not always press the pause button before making a hire. Before posting the vacancy think carefully about the essential duties needed in that role.  Also consider what duties would be required and wish ones would be great for job candidates to possess.  When considering between two candidates that could do the job, those “nice to have” skills can assist in making the right choice, so you are sure to be only hiring the best employees.

Ask for input from those in other departments
Sometimes when hiring the best employees, managers get into and unfortunate pattern of making poor hiring choices.  While this can happen for a variety of reasons, one key reason is not seeking out the input from those in other departments before posting and interviewing candidates.  Those people who work on other teams have interacted with people in that role or a similar position before, and have useful. Select a few people and interview them.  Make sure to get a cross-section of different types of roles and personalities to help you make the best possible hiring choice.

Make the job candidates feel comfortable
When trying to find another job, there is nothing more uncomfortable than an interviewer that you can tell either doesn’t really care about the job, doesn’t care about meeting you, or acts like they have something better to do than to take time out of their day to speak with you. So make sure to make them feel comfortable from the start and give him or her your full attention. When interviewing, find a quiet and private location.  Job interviews are stressful enough so reducing distractions is helpful. Start by saying how much you appreciate them taking the time to meet with you, and that you appreciate their interest in your company.  Then sit back and let the interviewer talk.

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Ask questions that help you uncover the candidate’s strengths and personality
Hiring the right candidates should – in part – allow the person being interviewed to share with you who that person is and what distinguishes him or her from others applying for the job. While you might be tempted to throw in trick questions to test their knowledge on a certain skill that is required to do the job, think of more creative ways to get the candidate to open up. Put a positive spin on the question.  Instead of asking, “How many years have you used C#?” ask something like “On your resume, I noticed that you have worked on large project for your current employer using C#.  Can you tell me more?

Watch for the red flags
One time I was interviewing a candidate for a role on my team at Fortune 500 company, and this person showed up 10 minutes late, wore only jeans and a t-shirt, and were not prepared with either questions or a copy of their resume.  Needless to say, that person didn’t get the job.  When you are hiring the best employees there are a few red flags that you will want to watch out for: those employees who show up for interviews late or not dressed for success and those candidates whose sole focus is compensation.  If a candidate cares more about the salary and benefits before learning about the role, the department, and the company, you will want to be careful when considering such a candidate.real estate training

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How has your company found to be the best way for hiring the best employees? We want to hear from you! Share your thoughts below!