
Blitz Sales Follow-Up Software is integrated with many web lead providers and telemarketing companies, but what if you have an in-house telemarketer?  How can you set up that integration?  Many companies are using the Blitz web form to enable their telemarketer to add leads to Blitz without actually having to log into the system.  It can even be set up to automatically assign the lead to a producer in your office and put it on their schedule, just like our web lead integrations.

How do I set this up?

  1. Create a new campaign for the telemarketing leads to drop into by going to Administration > Manage Campaigns and clicking Add New Record.  Create a name, such as telemarketing leads, and click Save.
  2. Click the Campaign Settings icon  to the right of the new campaign.  Within the Campaign Settings window, click the Web Form tab on the far right.
  3. Click Create Web Form.  Within this screen, select the fields you would like to be displayed on the form.  If you select the “Notes” field, the telemarketer will be able to add a history note to the lead with additional details for the producer.  In this screen you can also select an auto assign group and add instructions for the form, etc.  Click Save when finished.
    Note: To rename custom fields, go to the Custom Column Headings tab within the same Campaign Settings window.
    Note: To configure auto assign groups, go to Administration > Auto Assign Groups.
  4. After you have saved the form, click the View Form link (next to the Facebook icon  ).  Copy the URL for the form (in the address bar of your browser) and have your telemarketer save it in their favorites.  They should always have this form open when making phone calls so they can send the information to a producer right away.  This process is immediate, so even if the telemarketer transfers the call to a producer, the lead will already be available in the Blitz Sales Follow-Up Software system for lead tracking.
To learn more about using the web form and other lead tracking strategies, contact Blitz support at (419)841-1800 or support@blitzleadmanager.com.