
Uncover what kinds of incentives motivate employees to help you increase productivity and enhance job performance.

For those of us that work in human resources, job performance is likely to be part of roundtable or leadership discussion.  The ideas and topics of conversation often lead in numerous directions including increase monetary bonuses, more time off, and employee recognition. For companies still looking for what kind of incentives motivate employees, here are some ideas to consider at your organization.

Connect Peer Recognition to Rewards
It has been determined by numerous studies that employee prefer rewards that tie together peer-based recognition with small rewards like gift cards.  For example, at a company or departmental meeting call out the employees by name in front of their co-workers and explain what they were nominated for and thank them for their efforts and then give them their reward with a smile and a handshake.  The person making the nomination can remain anonymous to everyone but management, but the presentation to the employee being recognized should always be public

Keep Team Rewards in Mind
When attempting to improve work performance by uncovering what kind of incentives motivate employees, it can help to expand your view. Often businesses think of incentives for employee as an individual concept.  Incorporate team rewards into your approach to make everyone in your company feel appreciated and engaged. The team reward could be a furnished lunch for the entire team, or a small token such as gift card for every team member.  Get creative and use this reward method to bring your employees together.

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Give Employees the Gift of Time
Generous time off from work is a concept that every staff member will appreciate.  How many times though have you taken some personal time off only to be called, emailed, and texted by your coworkers.  If you work in leadership, work with your HR director to create an environment that provides a strong work-life balance.  The break from work is important and will make your staff happier and more satisfied in the long run.

Forget the Carrot-Stick Motivational Concept
While money can be a strong factor to make your staff work harder and feel more satisfied in their jobs, it’s time to realize that monetary gains are not enough for today’s workforce.  Those businesses that rely on the carrot-stick method to motivate their staff are missing out.  While it’s nice to offer bonuses, for example, it shouldn’t be the only way you thank your employees for a job well done.

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What kind of incentives motivate employees at your company? We want to hear from you! Share your thoughts below!