
In an increasingly competitive market, timing is everything. Blitz Lead Manager’s marketing automation targets leads when the time is right, and now allows insurance agents to requote more with less effort. As an agent’s contact database grows, it becomes impossible to manually keep up with every new lead, and opportunities can slip through the cracks. By automating the follow up process, agents are now able to easily extract maximum value from their prospects.


While marketing automation can be used for any type of follow up, agents are especially finding success by contacting leads prior to an x-date or renewal date. Generally this is when people are shopping around, and it makes sense to target them when it’s time to renew their insurance. Blitz is designed to streamline this process by sending out a series of personalized emails to prospects when their x-date is approaching, while internally scheduling a follow up call or series of calls for the assigned user. By working smarter, agents are able to talk to more prospects, create more quotes, and close more sales.


“Since this feature was added, we have noticed a considerable increase in our customers’ total sales,” said Archie Heinl, president of Blitz Lead Manager. “By automating x-date follow up, agents have a better chance of reaching their prospects at the right time, and prevents them from losing sight of potential business.”


Blitz Lead Manager’s web based platform was created with the agent in mind. Users can log in anywhere, bring in leads from any source, and streamline follow up and internal procedures to guarantee the most value from their contacts. As users log updates, agents are able to view reports to track trends in sales, user activity, and success rates for different lead sources. Tracking the sales process allows businesses to keep their close rate up while continuously growing and improving their process.


To learn more about Blitz Lead Manager’s web based marketing automation, contact them at support(at)blitzleadmanager(dot)com or (888) 470-0606.