
Blitz Sales Follow-Up Software is integrated with Robo-Agent, a suite of proactive and powerful auto-quoting tools that interface with Alliance (Allstate). If you have both Robo-Agent and Blitz, the accounts can be linked so that lists ran through Robo-Agent drop directly into Blitz with the quotes attached. This integration can be set up in 4 simple steps.

  1. Within Blitz, create a campaign for the Robo-Agent list to drop into. To do this, go to Administration > Manage Campaigns, and click on Add New Record. Create a name and click save.
  2. Within Blitz, go to My Profile and find the API Id, Transaction Id, and API URL. Robo-Agent will need these three Ids to configure the integration.
  3. On the Robo-Agent quick start on your desktop, click Blitz Settings or Lead Mgr Settings. Select Blitz Lead Manager for the Lead Manager Integration, and provide the three Ids in the appropriate fields. Click save settings.
  4. Run a list through Robo-Agent. The quotes can be found in the history notes of each lead’s Lead Log.  You have three different options:
    1) To run a new list through Robo, click on new quotes within Robo-Agent.  Once the list is ran and quoted, go to Print Quotes > choose the export option > select all leads > click export to Blitz.
    2) To add an existing list of quotes from Robo-Agent to Blitz, go to Print Quotes > choose the export option > select all leads > click export to Blitz.
    3) To re-quote leads that are already in Blitz, export the list out of Blitz by selecting “Re-Quote” in the Robo-Agent Export Type dropdown box above the list and click Export. (If you do not see this option, go to Administration > My Company and select Enable Robo Agent.) Run that list through Robo, then go to Print Quotes > choose the export option > select all leads > click export to Blitz.  The leads will be updated in Blitz with new quotes.

Before Blitz is set up:
After clicking “Lead Mgr Settings”:
Icon changes after Blitz is set up:


Interested in Robo-Agent? Learn more here: http://www.roboagent.net
If you have any questions or need to set up a free training session, contact us at (419) 841-8800 or support@blitzleadmanager.com.