Within My Profile, an option has been added to be notified of new web leads via email. When enabled, you will be notified about all web leads, regardless of who they are assigned to.
Import history notes from spreadsheet
When importing a list, a new Blitz field has been added for history notes. The history note field will accept an unlimited number of columns from the imported spreadsheet, with no character limit. Anything that is dragged to this field will be added to a history note for each lead. Each column from the spreadsheet will be displayed on a new line within the added history note.
To import a list, go to Administration > Import Leads.
Import history notes from web form
A notes field has been added as an option on web forms. Any notes typed into this box will be added as a history note when the lead is added to Blitz.
To add a web form to a campaign, go to Administration > Manage Campaigns, click the campaign settings icon next to the desired campaign, and click on the Web Form tab.
Email report
A new report has been created for administrators within the Blitz Sales Follow-Up Softwaree. The email report allows you to view totals of emails that have been delivered or bounced within a selected date range. Totals are also available for emails marked as spam, emails that have been opened, and number of clicked links within the emails. The report is listed under the Administration > Reporting option. To run the report, select the date range and click the generate report button. The report can also be exported to excel by clicking the icon.