

When handling a large quantity of prospects, many sales reps struggle with the simple fact that every contact responds differently to different methods of contact.  Blitz Lead Management Software’s new Engagement feature allows users to easily track total activity with leads, allowing them to communicate better with every contact and improve the way they are spending their time.


Blitz’s unique Engagement feature offers three easy-to-analyze pie charts on every Lead Log: History Activities, Email Events, and Call Dispositions.  Each chart gives the total activity to-date so users can better understand their relationship with a contact.  By looking at the History Activities, users can track where their time has been spent.  If they have made 15 phone calls with still no contact, for example, it may be time to migrate to a lead nurturing status.  The Email Events chart shows how many emails have been delivered, marked as spam, opted out, opened, and whether links have been clicked within the message.  If the recipient is not opening any emails, the user can stop wasting time sending them; or when attempting to reconnect with an old lead, it is easy to see if the message is getting through.  Companies using auto-dialers can take advantage of the Call Dispositions to determine how many contact attempts it took to connect with the prospect.


Keeping this information on one page gives users valuable information about the contact at a glance.  Archie Heinl, president of Blitz Lead Manager, said, “Our users are finding they are spending more time working with the right prospects because they can now see what methods of contact they respond to and where their time is best spent.”


Blitz Lead Manager is a central hub for leads, referrals, and customers.  By keeping leads in one place and automating the sales process, companies have a simple way to streamline follow-up and better manage their time.  To learn more about Blitz, visit their website at www.blitzleadmanager.com or call (888)470-0606.