
Want to nail your next sales presentation with gusto? Invest in public speaking courses that challenge your skill level.

Are you a sales professional? Good, because we have a burning question for you: if you were to explain “sales” in ten words or less, what would be your answer?

Break it down to its very essentials—the foundational skills—and you’d probably come up with something like these:

  • Presenting ideas to an audience
  • Holding someone’s attention
  • Getting a person to listen, imagine, and act
  • Expressing ideas, benefits, and a sense of urgency
  • Speaking openly and genuinely

They all revolve around the central idea of impactful (and persuasive) communication. And where can you learn and refine these foundational skills? Public speaking courses. It’s one of the best investments you will make in your professional career.

public speaking courses

4 Major takeaways public speaking courses can offer you

You’re not only learning how to communicate with a crowd. You’re learning how to engage an audience, of any size, and persuade each person to open their minds to your point of view.

You’re building rapport with words, energy, and body language.

You’re telling a story that captivates listeners and makes them hungry for more information.

Public speaking, in many aspects, is selling. The takeaways from public speaking courses will directly influence your sales abilities. They will strengthen your foundation.

1. Mastering the art of effective storytelling

Storytelling, as a sales and marketing tool, has become more prevalent in recent years. What used to be reserved vocabulary for authors, screenwriters, and entertainment media is now widely applicable.

We figured out that stories are powerful motivators. And they’ve been used by great salespeople since the very beginning, though we refused to call attention to it.

Renowned speakers know how to pull you into a narrative with their words. They use short, personal stories for specific reasons:

  • Gain a personal connection with listeners
  • Demonstrate, in dramatic fashion, how you (or your products) relate to the customer
  • Build rapport, trust, and comfort with shared experiences

Storytelling is a powerful tool, and it’s one of the main focuses for public speaking courses.

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2. Breaking out of your comfort zone

If you’ve ever found yourself in front of a crowd with a microphone in your hand, you know that it’s not exactly a “comfort zone.” In fact, speeches terrify people.

Public speaking courses force you to expand your personal boundaries. But why is this important for salespeople?

Because effective sales presentations require an ability to calm and reassure the prospect’s anxiety, doubts, fears, and objections. When you’re confident in your speech, you make the audience confident in your abilities. If you slip, forget what you’re saying or get cold feet, your audience won’t be able to connect with you.

Expand your comfort zone, and you can enter your prospect’s with ease.

3. Making your sales presentation more captivating

A powerful, emotion-packed speech takes more than reading a series of PowerPoint slides. Even if you speak clearly. Even if you make no mistakes.

A punch-in-the-gut type of experience requires more. To really WOW your customers, you have to use the tools that public speaking courses offer.

  • Where to highlight crucial information
  • How to write clearly and efficiently
  • How to guide your presentation with poignant imagery
  • When to pause and allow your audience to digest information
  • What tone you should take at certain points
  • How to back up your claims with specific data

4. Understanding what your audience wants to see and hear

How can you give a memorable public speech without preparing for your audience? You can’t. It’s an essential part of the process. The same goes for speaking to potential customers.

Preparing for an audience is just as important as speaking to them. The cause and effect go hand-in-hand.

Preparation means that you’ve done your research. You understand your listener’s needs, wants, desires, and expectations. You can’t expect to hit all of those points if you don’t fully understand your prospect.

public speaking courses

3 Resources for finding public speaking courses that work for you

Before you rush into purchasing a course, whether online or in-person, let’s first establish the resources at your disposal.

1. Dale Carnegie’s Public Speaking Mastery

Why not start with the man who wrote the most famous book on business communication? His company is dedicated to teaching public speaking to professionals, and they’ve been leaders in this industry for generations.

2. Universities and continuing education programs

Local colleges often offer professional skill building through adult-oriented classes. Go to their websites and look for public speaking courses or business communications.

3. Online training and video instruction

The internet makes it a lot easier to learn these types of skills. Websites like Udemy and Lynda offer in-depth instruction from credible industry leaders and speech experts.

public speaking courses

4 Resources that can serve as free public speaking courses at any time

Build public speaking skills on your own time—for free!

If you don’t want to dish out money, there are plenty of ways to improve your presentations skills for no cost. It’ll take more work and dedication, but keen observation and practice go a long way.

1. TED Talks

They’re free, instructive, and give insight on nearly every topic imaginable.

2. Toastmaster’s International

Their website offers free resources on giving fantastic public speeches and impressing audiences for every occasion.

3. PechaKucha

This organization sponsors free “PechaKucha Nights” in over 900 cities across the globe. Check online for your local chapter, go to an event, or sign-up to present your ideas in a supportive atmosphere.

4. Future Learn

Future Learn offers a free online course. Over six weeks they introduce the mechanics of persuasive speeches. You watch, learn, and then create your own.

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Any famous speeches that motivate you? Share your inspiration with our community!