Hiring new sales reps for your company? Use these top sales books for a stellar education
For the new salesperson, learning basic interpersonal skills and selling techniques is essential. However, there’s so much more to absorb when starting a career in sales. These top sales books will be valuable assets for years to come. If you’ve hired a new salesperson, or perhaps even a whole team, it’s wise to share the teachings and practices of leaders in the industry.
The top 6 sales books to share with your new sales staff
1. Secrets of Closing the Sale, by Zig Ziglar
There are many reasons why this book is at number one. Zig Ziglar is a master salesperson who has authored more than ten best-selling books on sales philosophy and self-improvement. His third book is his magnum opus and is widely considered one of the top sales books of all time.
2. The Greatest Salesman in the World, by Og Mandino
This classic book frames the motivations behind selling. Og Mandino helps readers create a paradigm shift about the craft of salesmanship. He focuses on thinking about selling as a way to genuinely help others succeed and to leave behind all methods of manipulation.
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3. The Psychology of Selling, by Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy has filled the charts with tops sales books for decades. This book will strike a powerful chord with your sales team. It seeks to uncover the motivations and deepest desires of buyers and salespeople. It takes a scientific, philosophical, and practical approach to the business of selling.
4. How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
It’s time to for a throwback. Dale Carnegie is one the seminal authors of self-help literature, and this book solidified his work as groundbreaking. Published in 1936, these teachings on interpersonal relationships, public speaking, and communication are still effective and relevant today.
5. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, by Gary Vaynerchuk
Back to the future. It’s important to mix up old teachings with new ones so that your new hires receive a full sales education. Vaynerchuk unleashes all his best practices for social media marketing, how to stand out in a crowd of tweets and likes, and aligning messages in context.
6. Spin Selling, by Neil Rackham
Many top sales books have a tendency to lean on anecdotal evidence. Not in this book. Neil Rackham takes a hard-nosed, analytical approach to the “art of sales” and turns it into a science. He breaks down real world examples of methods and performance data. For the new salesperson, this book focuses on selling methodologies that have quantifiable results.
These top sales books are here to be read!
If you’ve ever read these books before, you know the value they bring to the reader. But books cannot teach anything to those who don’t take the time to study. Create an incentive for your sales team to read one of these top sales books every six months. Hold a “book group” at the office to discuss main points and figure out ways to implement that knowledge into your business strategy.
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Want your team to put the lessons in these top sales books to use? Sign up with Blitz today for a 30-day free trial of our sales automation software and turn leads into customers with less work!
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What’s your favorite sales book of all time? Are there books you feel required to read? Share your thoughts in the comments!