As we mentioned in one of our previous posts, Autodialing within Blitz Contact Management Software, Blitz users are able to utilize their auto dialer right from within Blitz. Our integrations with multiple auto dialers allow our customers to experience the convenience of autodialing right from within our web-based contact management software.
While users can operate their auto dialer from within Blitz, Blitz is different from an auto dialer in that Blitz is built to track leads, and an auto dialer system is used to contact them.
In Blitz, users have a detailed list of their leads and their leads’ information. For instance, in Blitz contact manager, users are able to add in history, notes, and statuses for each of their leads. Other users can then access these logs during their own phone calls, meaning that everyone in the office is aware of each lead’s current standing within the system. Blitz’s database is also easier to manage and maintain than an auto dialer system. Users can quickly find contacts because of the search, sort, and filter features within Blitz. In addition to allowing users to utilize their auto dialer within our sales software, Blitz also has the ability to send emails, set email notifications, and create reminders.
While auto dialers and Blitz Contact manager work well together, auto dialer systems on their own simply don’t have as many contact management abilities like the ones in Blitz contact manager.
For more information on our autodialing partners, click here.