With the user activity report in Blitz, you have all the power you need to track staff activity like a hawk.
Blitz supplies businesses with all the tools they need to track leads, evaluate their sales process, and measure their success. That’s why the available reports within Blitz’s system are invaluable. From showing the ROI for leads in a campaign to checking which users have logged into the system recently, reports allow managers to stay informed of their staff’s progress. The user activity report in particular gives managers the ability to monitor all staff activity. Since every action in Blitz is recorded, managers truly have a bird’s eye view of how their staff is using the system.
In addition to seeing overall staff activity, managers can choose to zoom in on a single staff member. This feature comes in handy when a manger would like to check on a new employee’s progress, or see whether a staff member is following his or her sales plan. The manager simply has to choose a date range for the data and then generate the report. From there the manager can evaluate whether or not the staff member is using the system correctly, if at all.
The user activity report allows managers to see the true activity of that person for a designated amount of time. When utilizing Blitz’s leads tracking system, users should be continuously adding history entries and reaching milestones as they move through the sales process. Managers can view how many history entries have been added in a particular date range, as well as sort the history entries by call or email. The user report also provides information on how many calls have been done, which milestones have been reached, and how many sales have been made.
Like all reports within Blitz contact management software, the user activity report can easily be exported as an excel spreadsheet. Many businesses choose to export to an excel spreadsheet so they can keep the information for their own records. Since the report provides all user activity at a glance, some employers find they can better gauge growth and assessments by generating one monthly. Managers have also found that the user activity report works well as a tool of encouragement, allowing managers to set sales goals with staff members and congratulate the team when they meet them. To learn more about generating user activity reports within Blitz, check out How Can I Track My Employees Using Blitz Sales Follow-Up Software? Staying in charge of your staff is simple when you have a bird’s eye view.