Do you receive leads from NetQuote, and want those leads to come directly into Blitz? This can be done in two simple steps. The setup is a bit different if you use First Impressions or QuoteBurst Typhoon, so be sure to check that you are following the correct instructions.
- Configure NetQuote within Blitz.
-Go to Administration –> Web Lead Setup. If you use First Impressions or Typhoon, click the Configure link to the right of those. If you do not, click the Configure link next to NetQuote.
-Within the Configuration Options screen, click the Enable box next to the types of leads you are receiving. If you use First Impressions or Typhoon, “NetQuote” will appear before the lead types.
–Optional: For leads to be automatically assigned and added to the assigned user’s schedule, select “Round Robin” in the Auto Assign Group dropdown box. Auto Assign groups can be configured in Administration > Auto Assign Groups.
–Optional: To send out an automatic confirmation email to the lead as soon as it’s added to Blitz, check the box under “Send Confirmation Email.” Under “Confirmation Email Settings,” choose an email template and fill out the information below. To set up email templates, to go Administration > Email Templates.
- Send IDs
-Find the API Id, Transaction Id, and API URL in My Profile. The IDs need to be from your primary administrator’s account. These are the Ids that will link NetQuote directly to your account.
-If you do not use First Impressions or Typhoon, send your three Ids to NetQuote in an email. Write that you want to set up your Blitz account.
-If you use First Impressions, copy and paste your three Ids into the Blitz Integration settings within Click here for detailed instructions and screen shots for setting up First Impressions.
-If you use Typhoon, send your three Ids to Typhoon on their website: You can either paste the Ids into the chat box on the bottom right corner, or into an email addressed to
If you have any questions or need to set up a free training session, contact us at (419) 841-8800 or