This sales tip of the day will help you make the sale by not leaving a message after the beep.
Are you trying to reach a new contact for the first time, but you’ve instead reached their voicemail? Here’s our sales tip of the day: never leave a message on the first call. By leaving a voicemail, you lose the chance to build a rapport with your prospective client.
Instead of a message, try calling at various times throughout the day. Now, I’m not suggesting you call someone 30 times in one day until he or she picks up the phone, but call once in the morning, afternoon, and early evening. If you still haven’t gotten in touch with them after the first day, try again on day two.
Think about how busy you are. It’s likely that the person you’re reaching out to is just stressed for time, and dreading the messages left on her machine. Since her coworkers can reach her by text, email, or by physically walking over to her office, the voice messages will end up being more items to add to her to-do list or sales calls. Why be one of the dreaded messages?
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There’s a reason this sales tip of the day is important: By speaking directly to your prospective customer, you’re more likely to sell them on the product you are selling. Make sure to mention any referrals or describe your unique selling proposition. In this conversation, you’re able to show them value, which is something you couldn’t accomplish in a voicemail.
If you can’t get your prospect on the phone within the first three to five calls, try this technique: When you get to the voicemail press “0” for the operator. If this doesn’t work, try calling back and speaking with the receptionist or an assistant of the individual you’re trying to reach. Remember, you’re not selling to these individuals, you’re starting a conversation. Tone is important to get you more information.
Instead of asking “I’d like to get in touch with Mr. Walker. Can you tell me what his schedule is like today?” – information they may not choose to give up – say this instead: “I’m trying to reach John Walker, and instead got his voicemail. I was hoping you could help me … Do you know if he’s on the other line or maybe he’s out of the office for the rest of the day?”
Depending on the answer you receive, you might be able to continue the conversation. Try one of these responses. “I’ve been having trouble getting in touch with him when both our schedules are clear. Are you able to make a 15-minute appointment on his calendar for a phone conference?” Or, “I’ve missed him a few times in the past few days. I know he’s quite busy; could you suggest an ideal time to call tomorrow?”
By tapping into the power of a receptionist or assistant, you’ll be able to schedule a time to contact your lead without ever leaving a voicemail. You’re now a recognized, non-threatening name to someone in the organization, and you’ll be able to show your product’s value over the phone soon to your prospect.
This sales tip of the day isn’t just for individuals – it’s also for companies! Some companies have already come around to canceling their voicemail service for good. In fact, if you were to call Coca-Cola right now, you should expect to not have the option to leave a voicemail. Instead you will hear a prerecorded message asking the caller to find an “alternative method” of getting in touch with the person they were trying to contact.
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Do you follow our sales tip of the day, or do you prefer leaving voicemails? Let us know in the comments section below!