Get the name of your health club or fitness club out to the masses with these time-tested health club marketing strategies.
Health clubs and fitness centers, like any business, can always use more clients. Lucky for you, we have five proven and fairly cost-effective health club marketing strategies to help get the name of your health club out there in no time.
Generating sales leads at the right time is important to nurturing the relationship. Blitz gives you the tools you need to help you grow membership at your health club! Schedule a free demo with us, and we’ll show you how we can help you automate your sales and marketing follow up emails!
1. Press Releases. To get the name of your health club out there, few things work better than a press release. A well written press release can help get the name of your business out there, but there is a trick to getting it picked up: you must make your press release newsworthy. Offer a free weight loss seminar, one free training session for all new clients, or an open house.
Then once people arrive to your fitness center, take the time to impress them with how wonderful your facility is and why they should join. Plus, don’t forget that many local radio and television stations will help to promote your business if the press release is newsworthy. And when emailing them, always include a link to your press release.
2. Doctor Referrals. While this may take some time to establish, you clearly are invested in making your health club a success, so this is one that is worth the effort. Take an informal poll among your family and friends to uncover those health related issues that people might face – that leads them to going to the gym – or which ailments that those who regularly go the gym might face.
Create a press kit that introduces yourself and your health club. You should include a cover letter, business card, your resume, and one or two case studies of customers you have helped, and a brochure of your fitness center. Presentation is important as well, so be sure to assemble everything in a high quality folder and hand deliver it to them so they can meet you in person. Health club marketing strategies like this one can be beneficial for those seeking assurance that they are selecting the right facility to meet their personal needs.
3. Bartering. Small businesses, regardless of the industry, like to help each other succeed. Discuss with companies with similar customers, such as a health food store or vitamin shop for example, the possibility of promoting their business in exchange for them to do the same. By trading recommendations, this method is free, plus can be quite effective when you find the right partner.
And when you get those new members visiting your health club, take the time to get some items printed with the name of your health club. Then when people wear your hat or t-shirt around the city, you will get more free advertising.
Health clubs can fitness centers need Blitz. Our web-based software has the tools and knowledge that your team needs to take your lead generation and sales follow up the next level. Contact us today to schedule a free demo and we will share more tips for automating your follow up process that you can’t afford to miss!
4. Co-Marketing. As noted above, small businesses like to help each other to succeed. Consider where people who would attend your fitness center might shop or visit in their free time. Restaurants or franchises that offer healthy alternatives might be a good choice, as would massage studios. Those who take care of their body by staying fit might also take time to keep their looks up-to-date. So seeking out partners at beauty salons or nail studios might also be worthwhile to try as well.
5. Client Referral Programs. Now that you have gone some clients by putting our first four marketing strategies in place, here is one that always works. Think of ways that you can reward your clients by having them promote you on social media, through online referral websites like Yelp, or by just visiting your health club.
One perk that might work for some of your customers is to offer them one free training session for a friend or relative. Then if that person purchases a package, he or she can also get a discount. This is one of the health club marketing strategies you can try, but one that has been proven to work time after time.
What have you tried to generate customers for your health club or fitness center? Share your ideas for health club marketing strategies in the comments below!