Once a company has a solid lead generation system the next step in the process is nurturing those leads. The goal is, of course, to create as many sales as possible from those leads, but businesses can also benefit from learning why some leads do not result in sales. In this article we’ll look at the ways that sales follow-up software helps you manage and nurture leads in your pipeline.
One way this helps the bottom line of a business of any size is it helps the business or individual make better use of each lead gathered.While sales prospecting software brings in the leads, the sales follow-up software follows those leads as they move through the conversion of lead to client. This reduces the need to buy a continuous stream of leads and allows your sales force to work more leads as well as follow-up with the existing leads in the pipeline.
By using web-based sales follow-up management software, you can instantly move a lead from the non-technical employee to the sales person, to deal phase and close without losing large chunks of time at each stage of the process. Leads move seamlessly through a system where a phone call is returned promptly and Sales Managers can track each step of the process as they happen. The manager can run reports based on a number of customizable parameters giving them valuable information for training, conversion rates, and performance of an individual, team, or product.
You never have to worry about losing sight of a lead again, because the system is all done online. No longer are there paper leads and files to chase down. The software offers a place for notes from each user. Therefore, potential customers don’t have to deal with the annoyance of answering the same questions again and again. Furthermore, through information gathering systems, the sales force can quickly identify possible ways to up sell or even determine negotiation strategy based on notes.
Finally, deals for multiple products [such as insurance agents who many wish to offer auto, home, and life insurance at different times] can be tracked separately but associated with the same client. Every interaction can be tracked in the system until it is transferred to your customer management software.
By using an online system to nurture leads an office of any size or geographical location is able to work together as a team effectively to build a strong sales base.