
Provide value with your next business follow up email and avoid the most common pitfalls.

When writing a business follow up email to a customer, or to a lead, it is possible that you have made one of these mistakes.  But if you have, there’s no need to panic. You can learn from your mistakes and turn what hasn’t worked into a positive educational experience on what no to do on your next business follow-up email or call.

Here are 4 proven business follow up email and call tips for next time you reach out to a customer or sales lead.

1. Explain why you are reaching out. Chances are the person you are trying to reach isn’t expecting to hear from you. If you want to avoid hearing dead silence on the other end of the phone line, or having your email go without a reply, it is important to remember that the person you are trying to reach is probably very busy.  Believe it or not, they are not waiting to hear from you, which means they are working on other tasks.  This also means that you do not have their undivided attention.  To combat this, be sure to provide a clear and concise explanation regarding why you are reaching out to him or her.

lead-managerlead-managerThe Blitz For Sales Follow-Up system empowers you and your staff with the tools they need to nurture relationship and close more deals! Schedule a free demo with us, and we’ll show you how we can help you automate your sales and marketing follow up to save time and boost sales performance throughout your organization!


Business Follow Up Email

2. Provide value and simplify the “next step.” Now that you have explained to your customer or lead why are you reaching out, you have their attention.  The next step for an effective business follow up email is to ensure that you are demonstrating an understanding to their unique needs and interests.  Consider what the most common pain points are within their business or industry?  What resources do you have available to you that can assist them in combating those issues?  How can your company or service ease their pain quickly and effectively? Do some research and provide your client information on issues that are important for them, and demonstrate that you understand and care about their success.  This will help them to see you are not just a product or service vendor, but a long-term business partner. Also, if you believe that your client is “dragging their feet” make taking the next step easier.  Do you have a comparison chart for them to review that has the information they requested for example?

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Business Follow Up Email

3. Incorporate “why” or “benefit” statements.  What does your company offer in terms of a product or service that your client needs?   How has your organization assisted other brands with a similar need or issue?  Why are you the best option for their company? Why should they choose you over their current vendor and your top competitors? When creating a business follow up email or call script, take a moment and consider how you can quickly and easily personalize it for them prior to contacting that person.  Be confident in your message and overall tone, but keep your message short and concise.

4. Always include a call to action. When creating a business follow up email or call script, it is easy to get so busy thinking about what you want to say, that you forget to consider what you want them to respond. If this is something you have missed in a past business follow up email, you are not alone. Commonly, salespeople end a business follow up email with “let’s keep in touch” or “review and let me know your thoughts” which aren’t persuasive enough for your client to respond.  Instead, ask a pointed question such as, “Once you have reviewed, I would like to set-up a time next week to discuss this with you further.  What day and time works best for you?” Another option might be, “Attached to my email is chart showing how we compare to your current vendor.  Do you have 30 minutes for a quick conversation on how we can meet your company’s needs?”  Keep it simple and in their best interests to respond.

Business Follow Up Email

What are some of your tips for a business follow up email or call script that has worked well for you? Share your feedback in the comments below!