
Email is a great way to reach prospects. Try these proven and effective tips the next time you send a follow up email after the sales call.

If you must urgently to send a follow up email after the sales call and don’t know where to start, you’re in luck.  We have uncovered 8 proven tips that can help you create better follow up emails and convert more leads to customers.

Follow Up Email After the Sales Call

1. It’s about them, not about you. Don’t make the mistake of asking a potential customer to do something for you. Remember, you are trying to convince them to buy from you which means you need to understand what they need and how you can help. If your sales lead believes you understand their pain and can provide them with a solution, then you’re more likely to gain and keep their attention than if you start by talking about yourself. So always focus on their problem and your solution, and make that the focus of your follow up email.

2. Keep it short and simple. Let’s be honest for a second. People, including you are me, get more emails than ever before. A follow up email after the sales call that is several paragraphs long is going to take far too long to read.  That email will likely end up being trashed before your prospect makes it through the first sentence.  If you want your sales lead to read your email, keep it brief – ideally 4-5 sentences – and be sure to use a format that’s mobile-friendly.

3. Be conversational. When writing your follow up email after the sales call, it’s OK to use a sales script. It’s important though to always keep the tone of your email both professional and conversational. Basically, speak how people really speak. Use words and phrases that you would actually say, not just want looks good on paper.  Keep your wording authentic and conversational to encourage conversation with your prospect.

4. Shorter questions get more answers. Think about this one for a moment. Imagine someone asks you two questions. One question has 3 words and the other question has 3 sentences – and you only had time to answer one of them – which one would you select? Exactly. That’s why it is important to keep your questions short if you want to get a response.

lead-managerlead-managerFollowing up with a lead after sales call can sometimes be challenging.  With sales and marketing automation from Blitz, that task is made easier. The Blitz For Sales Follow-Up system empowers you with the tools they need to nurture relationship and close more deals! Schedule a free demo with us to learn how Blitz can help increase your sales!


Follow Up Email After the Sales Call

5. Follow up to your follow up. Sometimes persistence, especially when it comes to sales, can pay off. If you need to warm up a lead that has gone cold and unresponsive, don’t be afraid to follow up with them again.  Remember though to always contact when you have something of substance to offer or a sales offer to inform them about.  Sending a follow up email after the sales call is always a good idea, but never contact a lead just for the sake of following up.

6. Automation can optimize your follow up process. Reliable and secure web-based software – like Blitz – provide your valuable tools, workflows, and templates to optimize your follow up process. With sales and marketing automation you can reach more prospects, convert more of them into paying customers, and increase your sales. Remember though that email open rates are not as important as the level of engagement for your follow up email is generating.

Follow Up Email After the Sales Call

lead-managerlead-managerIf you are still struggling when sending follow up email after the sales call, Blitz can help. Blitz has tools to automate your sales follow up and boost lead generation. Contact us today to schedule a free demo and we will share the tips & tricks you need to know to get the power of the Blitz For Sales Follow-Up system working for you!

7. Don’t forget to personalize your message. This one should be a no brainer. Personalize your message when sending a follow up email after the sales call.  Include the recipient’s information such as name, company, industry, competitors, unique pain points, or other details mentioned to you in prior conversations.  Let your sales lead know that you are listening to him or her, and that you see all your customers as people and not just another commission check.

8. Remove your emotion. You care about getting the sale, but that doesn’t mean you should let your emotions get in your way. Rejection is part of life if you are in sales. So let your prospect know that you want the your feeling won’t be hurt if they do not want to pursue considering your protect or service at this time. This may at least generate a response so you know when to follow up with them in the future (to try to convenience them to take another look).

Do you have a tip you have used when sending a follow up email after the sales call we haven’t included? We want to hear from you! Share your feedback in the comments below!