
If you have both Sales Dialers and Blitz Sales Follow-Up Software, the accounts can be linked so that leads you are contacting in Sales Dialers are being dropped directly into Blitz. If enabled, these leads can be assigned to users automatically in a round robin fashion and added to that users schedule for an immediate follow up. There are 3 simple steps to set up this integration:

  1. Enable the integration within Blitz. Within Administration –> Web Lead Setup, click on the Configure link next to Sales Dialers. In this screen, choose the types of leads you will be loading into Sales Dialers by clicking the Enable checkbox. Click Save Settings.
  2. Set up Auto Assign Groups (optional). If you would like leads to be automatically assigned and added to the assigned user’s schedule as they come in, you will want to set up an Auto Assign Group. This is done in the same Configuration Options screen from step #1. Simply choose an Auto Assign Group from the dropdown box and click Save Settings.
    NOTE: Auto Assign Groups can be customized within Administration –> Auto Assign Groups
  3. Send Blitz IDs to Sales Dialers. Sales Dialers needs to know to send these leads to your Blitz account. In order to do this, find your API Id, Transaction Id, and API URL within My Profile. Copy and paste all three Ids into an email to Sales Dialers, letting them know you need to integrate your Blitz account.

Once you complete these three steps, you are ready to import a list into Sales Dialers and begin making calls. The notes you add in Sales Dialers will be added to Blitz in a history note. If you call the same person again, it will not add another lead, but simply update the one that was added originally.

Interested in Sales Dialers? Learn more here: http://www.salesdialers.com/

If you have any questions or need to set up a free training session, contact us at (419) 841-8800 or support@blitzleadmanager.com.