If you have both GPS and Blitz Lead Management Software, the accounts can be linked so that you can update leads in Blitz Lead Management Software directly from GPS. This integration can be set up in 4 simple steps.
*NOTE: If you would like to add leads to Blitz individually while using GPS, click here for instructions.
- Import the leads you are going to be calling into Blitz Lead Management Software by going to Administration > Import Leads. Put the leads into a new campaign. (See BlitzTV)
- Export the leads out of Blitz. To do this, go to Leads > Lead List and select the campaign that you just created. Click the export to Excel icon.
The final column of the exported csv file will contain a link to the lead in Blitz Lead Management Software.
- Import the new list into GPS. When mapping, be sure to map the URL column from the spreadsheet to the Website/Lead Pop field within GPS. Don’t see the Website/Lead Pop field? Click here to update your GPS account.
- Make sure you have Blitz open in a separate window to enable to information to be transferred, and start dialing your leads using GPS’s user interface. When a lead is on the line, you can update Blitz by clicking on the User Fields tab within GPS and clicking the available link.
Watch a video on the above process from GPS’s Training page: http://gpsinsurancemarketing.com/training
Interested in GPS? Learn more here: http://gpsinsurancemarketing.com/
If you have any questions or need to set up a free training session, contact us at (419) 841-8800 or support@blitzleadmanager.com.