
Need to stay in touch with your industry news on the go? Subscribe to these fantastic insurance podcasts!

Insurance agents know how to hustle. They’re always implementing new insurance offers. Keeping customers happy. Finding new leads. Attending conferences. Drinking loads of coffee.

But how do you find the time for actual learning? Once you jump into the industry, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day tasks. Fitting in time for self-improvement, industry news or trend predictions is tough.

But there is an answer: finding the right insurance podcasts to follow.

Podcast are an easy way to digest information, get introduced to insurance leaders, and hear important news and developments right from the horse’s mouth.

There are different niche insurance podcasts out there, from policy law to marketing, but here’s a list of our favorites. Let’s jump in!

insurance podcasts

6 Insurance podcasts we love

1. The Health Care Policy Podcast 

Out of all of the insurance podcasts available, this one tackles the most complex arena: healthcare. Founded by David Introcaso in 2016, the HCP podcast is meant to provide non-biased analysis, opinion, and discussion on current healthcare topics. His interview topics range from private industry, federal oversight, policy implementation, and Medicaid. There is no exact publishing schedule, but you can listen to new and archived conversations on the website.

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2. Agency Nation Radio 

Despite the other insurance podcasts on our list, you’ve probably heard of Agency Nation the most. This company is a favorite resource for insurance professionals of all walks. Their content focuses on helping you build your business through marketing, sales, and growth. Ryan Hanley, the managing editor of Agency Nation, conducts the interviews and creates discussion around these growth-centric topics.

3. Agency Revolution – Connected Insurance Podcast

The Connected Insurance Podcast is by far the most recent insurance podcast to appear. Their publishing schedule is consistent, reliable, and offers valuable insight from loads of interviews. Taking a peek at their latest episodes, you’ll see topics like thought leadership, digital marketing trends, and book reviews. The company creates marketing products for independent insurance agencies, so you can expect to see podcast topics align with their expertise.

4. Insurance Marketing with John Carroll 

Getting a marketing strategy up to par is essential for independent agents. John Carroll, the founder of Insurance Splash, started this podcast to help agencies market themselves. His tips and tricks focus on strategy, but also provide information on sales, recruiting talent, and gaining reviews. You can find all of the episodes online at Insurance Splash’s website.

5. Denim Rivet – Insurance Innovation and Tech

Denim’s insurance podcast focuses on two major topics: innovation and marketing. Because Denim is a saas marketing tool for insurance agents, you can find in-depth discussions revolving around those topics. Recent episodes highlighted how to connect with consumers in the digital marketplace, interview CEO’s of insurance agencies on social media disruption, and more.

6. The Sales Evangelist

Are you surprised? Why would we possibly put a sales podcast in an insurance podcast list? Simple. When it’s all said and done, insurance is part of the sales industry. Any good insurance agent is a good salesperson. There’s no way around it. So if you want to improve your knowledge and skills in the insurance field, a good sales podcast might be just what you need. The Sales Evangelist covers everything from improving your promotional materials to branding to telling stories.

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Do you have any insurance podcasts or resources to add? Share your thoughts with our community!