
Do you have a to-do list that seems never ending?  “Getting organized” can seem like a daunting task as a whole, but by tackling one thing at a time you’d be surprised how much you can get done.  Quick projects add up!  Below are 6 10 minute projects that will make a big difference:



1. Organize your email into folders

Whether it’s your work or personal email, your inbox can easily get out of control.  Setting up filters to automatically sort or delete incoming messages can save you a great deal of time and help prioritize.  Click here for Gmail instructions, and here for Outlook instructions.


2.  Declutter something.

Are papers piling up on your desk?  Is your car overflowing with empty Dasani bottles?  Take 10 minutes to tackle one area and feel better instantly.  Desk already clean?  Think digital and organize your files or delete unused programs or apps on your computer or device.


3.  Download an app.

Apps aren’t only for games and Facebook.  There are a ton of useful apps that save you serious time and energy on almost anything!  Check out this list of 10 apps to get organized.


4.  Clean up your social media account.

Taking a tour of your friends list and followers every 6 months or so reminds you who can see what you’re putting out there.  On the opposite end, reach out and connect with new people periodically as well.  Did you know LinkedIn allows you to send a mass invite to your email contacts?


5.  Make a list of upcoming events and activities.

Keeping a calendar is great, but something about seeing upcoming events in list format is more exciting.  This gives you something to look forward to, as well as prevents you from forgetting anything important in preparation.  (Hello, last minute wedding gift)


6. Load your prospects into a lead management system.

It takes 5 minutes to sign up, and 5 minutes to import a spreadsheet into Blitz.  Housing contacts in a lead management software allows you to maximize follow-up with prospects and even improve productivity.  By keeping contacts organized, sales staff have more time to focus on contacting leads.  Don’t have a spreadsheet?  Blitz also organizes individual leads like referrals and call ins, leads from internet lead providers, requests from your website, and more.