Want to earn back some of the green you’ll be spending on St. Patrick’s Day?  Follow these simple tips to amp up your sales game this March 17th:


Finish what you started

A huge benefit to using a contact management software is that you will always have leads at your fingertips.  With Blitz, you can easily pull a list of pending quotes that should have been closed, or old leads that might be in a better position to buy now that circumstances have changed.   Following up on a pending deal gives you a much better chance to close a sale today than beginning fresh with a new lead.  Start searching and making some calls!


Follow up with current customers

There are always cross selling and upselling opportunities.  Do yourself and your customers a favor, and offer them additional products or services that they are missing out on.  Continuing to build upon your current book of business builds better customer relationships, while getting you a quick and easy sale.  Try Blitz Lead Manager’s tagging tool to easily identify potential cross sell opportunities for moments like this.


Stop wasting time

Time is money, right?  Don’t use your valuable time with tasks like sending out follow up emails or pulling files.  Setting up marketing automation allows for you to set up a process once and simply let it run.  Set up automatic follow up emails to prospects at ideal times to keep in front of your entire database.  Ensure that every lead is being consistently worked with automatic reminders to staff to follow up.  Avoid missed opportunities by automatically reassigning leads that haven’t been worked.  It’s all possible with Blitz’s Workflow automation tool:


Reevaluate lead sources

It’s important to constantly evaluate lead sources and ROI.  If your staff is consistently following up, it should be easy to see which lead sources are working and which aren’t.  Keeping on top of this allows you to move on and spend your money where you are making it back.