If you have a Facebook business page you can add a Blitz Web Form as a tab on your page. The process to do so involves creating a Facebook App. In order to create an App your Facebook account must be verified. The current process to verify an account involves entering your credit card or registering a cell phone number. Once your account is verified you can follow the steps below to create the Facebook app.
*Since this is an advanced topic with a 3rd party we provide these steps for informational purposes only and will not be able to provide support for your Facebook page/account.
- Sign in to a facebook account used to administer your Business Page
- Navigate to http://www.facebook.com/developers/
- Click on the Setup New App
- Create a name for your app.
- Enter the captcha code for validation
- Navigate to Facebook Integration tab
- Scroll down and enter the tab information. Enter the tab name (the name that will show on your page) and put the Tab & Secure Tab URLs from the
pop-up on the Web Form tab in the Tab URL and Secure Tab URL.
- Click Save Changes
- Click Application Profile Page
- Click Add To My Page and select your page.
- Navigate back to your facebook page and see the new tab.