
Do you have leads in an Excel spreadsheet that you need imported into a sales follow-up system to keep track of them more efficiently? Blitz allows you to import your leads from a spreadsheet quickly and easily.  There is a simple mapping of your spreadsheet columns to the fields within Blitz. Please using the following steps:

  1. There a are a couple of rules for the proper formatting of spreadsheets:
    1. The first row in your spreadsheet must contain the column names.
    2. No two columns can have the same name.
    3. Remove any rows that are just spaces (entire rows or spaces, individual blank cells are acceptable).
  2. If you file is an Excel Spreadsheet, convert it to Excel’s CSV format.
    1. Open your spreadsheet in Excel.
    2. Go to File-> Save As
    3. Select CSV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv) in the Save as type dropdown
    4. Click Save
  3. In Blitz
    1. Go to the Administration tab and select Import Leads
    2. Click Browse and select your CSV file and click Upload
    3. Select a campaign to import the leads to, or give a new campaign name
    4. Move the fields on the left to their corresponding columns
    5. Click Import

Your leads will now appear in your campaign.

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