
As an administrator, you may be wondering what you can do with your account once it’s set up.  Being an admin in Blitz Sales Follow-Up Software is more than just importing spreadsheets and running the occasional report.  In order to truly maximize employee and lead tracking, there are daily activities that can be performed to ensure your business is running at it’s highest potential.  Of course, some of these activities could vary from day to day, or for the type of business you are running, but what are the basic tools you could be utilizing on a daily (or even weekly) basis?

  1. Neglected leads– Checking the neglected leads will give you a quick look at how your staff is working using Blitz Lead Management Software.  You can view the total number of neglected leads by user on your My Blitz page, or view a more detailed report that can be filtered and sorted by going to Leads > Neglected Leads.  If your staff has a lot of neglected leads, they are either not using Blitz correctly or they are not following up on their leads.  Finding that this number is rising gives you an opportunity to solve the problem before it gets worse.
  2. Appointments– If a user has no neglected leads, it’s possible that they may not have scheduled any appointments in the system, because a neglected lead is generated by appointments passing with no updates added.  You want to be sure that there are appointments for every interested lead in the system even if it is 6 months in the future, that way you will know if the lead is being followed up on.  You can check your users’ schedules in the schedule tab to make sure they have an adequate amount of appointments for the day, and you could also go to the lead list and sort by appointment to bring up all leads with no appointments.  Of course, “not interested” leads should not have appointments added, so keep that in mind when viewing these leads.
  3. User activity– Checking the user activity report (Administration > Reporting) gives you several totals to give you an idea on how much a particular user is using the system, as well as how much progress they have with their leads.  This report lists how many history entries have been added in a particular date range, and are sorted by type (Call, Email, etc.).  The user activity report also lists which milestones have been reached, and how many have been reached.  By setting goals for your staff and periodically checking this report, you will be amazed at the increase in productivity.
  4. Milestones– If you want a detailed report of which leads have been moved to the next milestone, and by which user, you can check the milestone report (Administration > Reporting).  This lead tracking report also gives you averages on how long it took to reach that particular milestone, and how long they have been at that milestone.  So if it’s taking a user a long time to move a lead from a quote to sold, you can find out here and take the appropriate action.
  5. Lead Log History– You can sort through history notes and view what users are saying in one list by running the lead log history report (Administration > Reporting).  This can be a great teaching tool.  If you are noticing that users are taking a specific approach to their leads that isn’t really working, you can take this opportunity to work with them on that and suggest a different angle.
  6. Opportunities– The opportunities added within Blitz Sales Follow-Up Software can be sorted by various criteria, and can really give you a good idea on if your current business plan is as successful as you would like it to be.  Your My Blitz homepage provides a snapshot of your pending, won, and lost opportunities, making it simple to quickly check on a daily basis.  You can also view a more detailed report, and export it if necessary, by going to Leads > Opportunities.  This will give you a list of all opportunities that you can then filter and sort by product, source, or employee to name a few.  Are you losing a lot of sales from a particular lead source or employee?  This will provide you numbers that you can use to possibly reevaluate some things in your office.

Blitz offers free training and support, so if you would like a tutorial on any of these tools contact us at (419) 841-8800 or email support@blitzleadmanager.com.