Do you think Blitz Sales Follow-Up Software can only be used for purchased or existing leads? Think again. You are actually able to generate new leads by setting up a Blitz web form on your website! If your website is getting a good amount of traffic, this form can easily generate new business by giving prospects the option of filling out a form instead of waiting for their call (some people will simply NOT make that phone call!). It also gives you the flexibility of choosing what information you need to gather from them- much better than the “send email” options many sites have. Below are simple instructions on setting this up:
1. Create web form
- In Blitz, set up a campaign for the new leads to drop into by going to Administration > Manage Campaigns and clicking Add New Record. Create a name (such as Web Form Leads) and click save.
- Click the campaign settings icon
next to your new campaign. In the Custom Column Headings Campaign, add the data you would like to gather from the prospect.
- Click the Web Form tab, still within the campaign settings. Click Create Web Form. Fill out the fields and select which fields you would like to view on the form. To configure leads to automatically be assigned to a user when they come in for immediate lead tracking, select an auto assign group in the dropdown box. Auto assign groups can be configured in Administration > Auto Assign Groups.
- Click the “View Form” link next to the Facebook icon. This will give you a preview of your form. The URL in your browser is what you will need to copy for the next step.
2. Add form to your website
- In the html of your website, add the below tag where you would like to see the form (make sure to not delete the quotation marks). Replace the URL in red with the URL you copied in step 1. You can also change the width and height by changing the blue values below.
<iframe src=”” style=”width:400px; height:420px;”></iframe>
For more information, or to set up a live demo, please contact Blitz support at (419)841-8800 or