With the creation of a new social network practically every other week, it’s hard to keep up. LinkedIn is a popular network intended specifically for professionals. A Basic LinkedIn membership is free. You can put you entire resume on LinkedIn, connect with your coworkers, search for potential hires, and more. Joining LinkedIn allows you to discover a whole new professional network, market, and outlet. If you’re interested in establishing your professional presence online, check out Blitz Lead Manager’s 6 tips on how to optimize your LinkedIn usage:
1.) Brag About Yourself
In a big way, LinkedIn is another platform intended to circulate and promote your credentials. A report done by LinkedIn found that users with complete profiles (all of the sections filled in) were 40 times more likely to be offered opportunities through the network. Make sure to fill in all sections of your account; you never know who might be interested.
2.) Always Use a Picture
One of the worst mistakes you can make on LinkedIn is not including a profile picture. Not only does the picture make your profile more memorable, but it can also help showcase more professionalism. The best profile pictures are ones that show your face clearly, display appropriate attire, and exclude alcoholic beverages or illegal substances. Another tip for a good profile picture? Smile!
3.) Know What You Want and Go for it
Whether you’re looking to acquire new employees, partners, or contractors, you should tailor your profile and activity on the site to attract those kinds of individuals. For example, LinkedIn lets you post status updates similar to those on Facebook. If your interest is in sales and lead management, post regular updates about a great article you’ve found, a new milestone you’ve reached, etc.
4.) Create Connections
LinkedIn serves predominately as a portal for online networking. Here’s a few ideas for using LinkedIn to network:
- Connect with your real life contacts to widen your networking circle.
- Search for other LinkedIn users who share the same interest or fields.
- Look through your contacts’ connections to widen your own circle. You can even ask one of your contacts to introduce you to a connection by having them forward your profile.
5.) Establish Yourself
Another way to increase your network is to join and participate in LinkedIn groups. By starting and contributing to discussions in LinkedIn groups, you can increase your online visibility and establish yourself in the professional community. Groups will also inform you of upcoming networking activities, events, and more.
6.) Use the Site to Research
Before you interview with a company, conduct an interview for a company, or add a new partner to the company, you should always conduct research in preparation. LinkedIn allows you to search for individuals and gain more of an idea about their experiences. Some LinkedIn users also say that reading up on members’ profiles after they’ve met them at a networking event helps them to match their names with what they do.