

Looking for a way to shake up your staff’s creativity? Don’t hesitate to try these five team meeting ice breakers!

Your sales staff think they know what to expect from team meetings. You might address sales goals or show sales figures from a recent time period, then talk about company news and adjourn the meeting. Don’t bore your staff with the same format. Consider starting or ending your team meetings with activities to encourage creativity and foster team spirit. Here are five options for team meeting ice breakers you can try with your staff.

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lead-managerOne way to unite a team is by investing in lead management and sales automation software that keeps everyone on the same page. Sign up for a FREE 30-day trial of Blitz.

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Your favorite fill-in-the-blank

If you’re looking for a way to get your staff to open up without having to share personal details, pick a topic and ask them to tell you about their favorite things. For example, if your topic were “movies” you could ask your staff to tell you their favorite movie of all time. Depending on the size of your staff and the amount of time you have available for discussion, you could also ask staff to explain why it was their favorite movie or suggest they try to sell the movie to the rest of the team. This is a way to show your sales staff the importance of describing value and benefits when working on a sale.

You could use almost any topic in this ice breaker. Ask staff to share their favorite vacation spots, school subjects, sports team, board game, holiday, season – the opportunities for discussion are endless.

Two truths and one lie

One way to get your new staff to open up or even get staff communicating with each other again is to ask them to share three statements that are supposed to be about themselves. In these three statements, one of them should be a lie, and the other two should be facts. Next, have the other staff guess at which of the three statements was an untruth. It’s always interesting to see what facts staff share about themselves in this team building exercise.

Discuss the worst customers

Everyone has at least one horror story about tough customers they’ve worked with. If your staff are bored with your usual team meeting ice breakers, change the pace and instead ask each staff member to go around the table and tell a brief story of tough customers that they’ve worked with. After each story, ask the remaining staff members for suggestions on how to approach similar customers in the future. If you find this activity takes too long for all staff members to complete, only have one salesperson share a story for each team meeting.

Share a compliment

If you’re looking for team meeting ice breakers for a group of salespeople who have worked together for a long time, you might want to ask them to compliment another team member. Have each person go around and point out something complimentary they’ve noticed about another peer in the recent past. It could be that someone regularly picks up the office or break room even though that isn’t their job or that someone went above and beyond to please a customer. This activity will be a confidence boost for your sales staff and foster co-working relationships.

Practice elevator pitches

This ice breaker works well for very large sales meetings or even in small groups. Because networking is such a large aspect of sales, force your staff to practice introducing their elevator pitch to a different employee. If you have a large group in attendance, make it mandatory that the salespeople introduce themselves to someone new. After this activity is over, ask each member of your sales team to give feedback about the sales pitch privately in a quick email or phone call after the meeting is over.

After you break the ice with these activities, talk with your staff about using Blitz. Not only can we automate your sales process, but we can do your old manual tasks so that you can spend more time with customers.

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lead-managerOne way to unite a team is by investing in lead management and sales automation software that keeps everyone on the same page. Sign up for a FREE 30-day trial of Blitz.

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Have you ever used ice breakers in your team meetings? Let us know how it went and share any different activities that have worked well in the comments section!