Training your employees on how to use Blitz lead management software is a simple process, not only because the format is so intuitive, but also because there are many resources you can turn to. It is widely accepted that there are three different learning styles: kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learning. We here at Blitz Lead Manager have made sure to include resources that help people who utilize any of the three kinds of learning. Webinars, BlitzTV, and Blitz Blog make learning Blitz a cinch and help our users get the most out of their contact management software so they can quickly get back to their main goal: tracking leads.
1.) Webinar
Webinars are a free resource for those people who need to take an active participation in their learning. Sitting in on a webinar with one of our experienced presenters allows you to see step-by-step instructions on how to use the software, and you can try out what you learn on your own computer. To schedule a webinar, simply sign up online, call in, open your web browser, and join the meeting. Directly from your computer screen you’ll be able to see exactly how you can use Blitz software to your advantage, ask questions of the presenter, and gain knowledge and experience with the software in a short amount of time.
2.) BlitzTV
In addition to webinars, people who are more visual learners should explore BlitzTV. On BlitzTV, you can find how-to videos for virtually every facet of Blitz’s system. There are videos on how to use Blitz Mobile, how to manage and track your leads, how to utilize MyBlitz, tips for using my profile, how scheduling works within Blitz, and much more. Our users find that BlitzTV is helpful in that it can answer their questions in concise, no-nonsense videos.
3.) Blitz Blog
Finally, Blitz Blog is a resource perfect for people who learn from reading. Blitz Blog contains hundreds of posts ranging from the latest enhancement of Blitz software to our most recent integrations with partners. Aside from posts about our software, Blitz Blog is also a great source for business and sales related posts.
To learn more about Blitz Lead Manager and what resources you can access, check out our website.